

If you think the writing here is poor, that’s probably why. Real writing takes editing. But I don’t consider this writing, I consider this thinking. I like sharing my thoughts and I like hearing yours and I like practicing expressing ideas, but fundamentally this blog is not for you, it’s for me. I’m sorry. Maybe that isn’t how it should be, but at least for now that’s how it is. In my defense, nobody’s making you come here.

-Aaron Swartz

Did It Before It Was Cool

April ‘23


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March ‘23

Am I over/underthinking this

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March ‘23

Guest post for Justin Gage’s Technically publication

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Temporal Technologies

January ‘23

Research Breakdown for Contrary Research

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Some Things I Want to Do

December ‘23

+ some thoughts on optionality

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October ‘23

Guest post for Justin Gage’s Technically publication

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September ‘23

go to citizenM

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Scaling Customer Success at Retool

June ‘23


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June ‘23

What happens when it’s gone?

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The Burbs

May ‘23

The necessary getaway

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Pockets of Life

April ‘23

Little windows into something much bigger

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Ebbs and Flows

April ‘23

Things aren’t as constant as I’d sometimes wished.

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Did it Before it Was CoolIncentivesSeattleHeheEbbs and FlowsPockets of LifeThe BurbsEphemerality Some Things I Want to Do