Issue #10

Issue #10

Hello world and welcome back!

Before I begin, a quick disclaimer: last week I posted about the difficulty of sustained engagement - I found out more recently that engagement is not only challenging but can also be quite negative. I have received some great responses and recommendations in the past few months, but it has become more apparent that the content I post might fall under a certain umbrella completely outside your realm of interests. This newsletter is unapologetically me. Everything that I have posted has in some shape or form given me energy and has driven my curiosity, though I know that we all have very different tastes and passions, which is wonderful. I love sharing my thoughts with you all, but wanted to re-state the original intent of sharing information that I find relevant in my life. In my first issue, I stated my mantra of ‘sharing more truth’, and this has been a fully transparent and truthful glimpse into my own life.

Back at it.

I was reviewing some of the articles from Pocket a few days ago and realized that quite a few revolved around some sort of design or art. So, I’ve decided to make this design issue #1. Other than a few basic prototypes during college, I have very limited experience in creating such, yet do love it when even I can identify something that is designed well.

What I most admire about designers, producers, and authors is their ability to prioritize, synthesize, and cut out the unnecessary. For most of these fields, the expansiveness of thought combined with the opportunity to add more and more usually has no bounds. In my opinion, many of the best movies, books, and products are usually those that can be traced back to one simple core message or solution - a simple yet powerful message/takeaway, a simple and engaging plot, or a simple set of layouts and flows driven by one specific problem. Another reference to Creative Selection, but one of the key traits that defined Jobs and his work at Apple was his ruthless prioritization. The prioritization of features, resources, talent, and opportunities defined the eventual outcomes of Apple and has become woven through Apple’s DNA.

Less is often better!

Random links on this topic:

Why Design is Difficult

Simplicity in Design

Update: I just checked to see if there was a specific day devoted to design. Turns out, it was 3 days ago. Happy late International Design Day 👽

Double digits!

Digital Design

I chose to put this section first because this episode blew me away. I absolutely loved it. You may have run across the show on Netflix, but it is called Abstract: The Art of Design. The specific episode is on Ian Spalter, who runs design at Instagram - Instagram is one of those apps that most agree is beautifully built but can’t fully break down why - it just kinda is. Small elements that go unnoticed often have had the most thought put into. Watch this ep, guarantee you’ll enjoy.

Architectural Design

I visited the Facebook campus the summer after my sophomore year, and it is absolutely beautiful. Frank Gehry was the chief architect, and if you have not heard of him or seen some of his other work, check out some of his structures. The ‘city’ has all that is needed to live (jk - thrive).

There’s an ongoing debate on the implications of providing all necessary amenities in one place with the belief that it blends work and life; the argument for the services is the hope in creating an environment where all focus and energy can go towards the essentials of work. Another interesting topic.

Graphic Art

If you did watch the Dealt documentary I mentioned a few issues back, one of the most prominent features was Turner’s lack of sight. In a semi-similar manner, Wiltshire was diagnosed with autism at three and was mute as a child. I don’t know whether this relates to his ability to capture moments, but regardless another great watch.

This is an excerpt on the brain’s compensation for sight or hearing loss, though unsure whether it is directly related.

There is mounting evidence that people missing one sense don’t just learn to use the others better. The brain adapts to the loss by giving itself a makeover. If one sense is lost, the areas of the brain normally devoted to handling that sensory information do not go unused — they get rewired and put to work processing other senses.

Recursive Design

A more common pattern that you might have seen before. The Droste Effect, an effect in which a picture occurs recursively within itself.

The Most Amazing Artist

My ridiculously talented sister continues to balance multiple master's degrees, 15+ research papers (and growing), raising a puppy, planning a wedding, and on the side drawing stunning portraits. Thanks for continuing to show me up Trish

Thanks for reading 🙂